Angel Light Holistic Healing
Healing of body, mind and soul for people and animals

Services & Rates


90 mins minutes: $150.00

Reiki, pronounced "ray" "key", is a Japanese form of energy work that cleanses and balances the energy system in the body. As a result, the body's natural self-healing mechanisms strengthen, helping to establish optimum health. During a session, I work directly with your energy field to remove blockages, detoxify your system, and restore your vital life force energy. Reiki utilizes a gentle laying on of hands to conduct the necessary energy force between us. Reiki brings on the relaxation response in the body which is when and only when, true healing can happen.  Reiki raises your vibrational levels of the body so you can heal yourself.  The benefits of Reiki range from the release of habitual mental/emotional stress to alleviating chronic pain. While one session sets the ball in motion for the soul to remember and you will walk away feeling so much lighter, the best benefit is going to come from a series of Reiki treatments. It is one thing to feel better but another to come from a place of sustainable, constant good health. True healing comes from a place of small steps taken consistently.  It is building blocks to build a foundations of happiness, health, and resilience in the mind, body and soul.

This in person full session includes a relaxing meditation, spiritual mentoring, chakra balancing, aura clearing, aromatherapy, sound healing, intuitively guided energy work, Reiki, reflexology and/or foot massage using essential oils that correspond to the chakras that are blocked, and the use of Reiki charged crystals. A blend of essential oils will be diffused in the room based on what I intuitively feel would be the best blend to calm or uplift the soul.  Wear comfortable clothes and no jewelry please. 

This session takes a deeper dive into what may be some root issues that you may have that are causing you dis-ease in your life.  This is a perfect session for those awakening in their spiritual gifts, or anyone dealing with any sort of health or emotional issue such as deep seated fears, anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, abuse, addictions, etc. (to name only a few.) Reiki works on all levels and with any issues you may be dealing with.  The issues are in the tissues.  So no matter what you are dealing with, Reiki is a wonderful preventative or proactive means to your overall "wholistic" heal.

Sessions are 90 minutes   Offering: $150 

 ***PACKAGE DEAL (most affordable) = Buy 3 additional Reiki sessions after the first initial, get $50 off, $400 total  

This is the most affordable price for people who know they want multiple session after the first initial session.  This is a perfect way to save and keep the flame of energy vibrating high and also to keep the growth of your intention expanding and commitment to your healing.  

***Payment must be made on the first in the 3 session series.

Just Reiki! - This 60 minute in-person treatment is great for when you just want a "tune up" of your energy, without the deeper dive into spiritual mentoring.  It will help you to feel more balanced, grounded, your chakras in alignment and your aura cleansed.  We shall talk for 5 minutes or so to connect, and then the remainder of the time will be pure, blissful relaxation. We shall start the session  with a soothing guided meditation, followed by the cleansing of your aura, the use of sound healing, healing crystals, essential oils as aromatherapy and also massaged onto the  bottom of your feet to aid in the balancing of your chakras.  Offering: $111

Just Spiritual Mentoring - Spiritual mentoring is where we will work together in communication to get to the heart of what issues or discomforts you are feeling within your emotional being that is keeping you from your soul's essence. Or, you may feel as if you are awakening and want to understand what is happening to you spiritually.   The spiritual mentoring that I do if you are not local to me, is done on email. I have always worked this way because as I type your email, I am either getting messages from Spirit or I meditate and process the information then type what I feel would be most helpful to you.  In person or distance sessions may include tools and homework for you to help you to achieve your end results.  

Sessions are 60 mins.  Offering:: $88 (in person) , $66 via email

Soul Rebirthing This is a session that combines a deep meditation, Reiki, and guided  breathing techniques to release old patterns, behaviors, habits that you gained through the programming of your mind throughout your life starting from a young child and actually while you were in the womb and possibly 7 ancestries before you and past lives.   This is a powerful, yet loving way to release these patterns that keep you bound in emotional chains that will be broken to get you back to whom you truly are..... that of a beautiful Divine Soul.  These sessions are particularly helpful for anything that you want to release emotionally such as forgiveness, grief, abuse, trauma, sexual trauma, PTSD, fears, consuming worries, anxieties, addiction and depression.  It can also be a great session to help you get back to your soul's purpose by tapping into your higher self to gain the wisdom that is already within your heart and soul.  This amazing treatment helps you to regain your power, freedom and inner peace.  All done under the safe and loving realm of Reiki. If you've been searching for something to truly get your life and power back, this is session for you.  Healing is your Birthright.

Session must be purchased and prepaid in a 3 pack for them to be the most effective and can only be purchased after we have had at least one regular Reiki session together.  Offering: $369


Distance Reiki sessions are also available and most beneficial.  These sessions are convenient yet effective for those beings that are out of state, country or unable to travel due to illness, injury or other reason.  Because there is no time nor space with energy, Reiki can be done at a distance just with the power of positive intention.  (See testimonials from my clients with their positive experiences. ) 

The session last for about 1 hour which includes a WhatsApp recorded guided meditation and chakra balancing, aura clearing and includes a  WhatsApp follow-up immediately after the session with feedback and divine guidance from your session.  I use this method so that you have a recording of both the meditation and the feedback for you to refer to again and again.  Distance Reiki is perfect for animals as well.   Offering:  $111

Additional Offering Available:

  • Above session plus 30 mins of spiritual mentoring by phone prior to the session, and 3 questions you'd like to ask your angels. Offering:  $133

Couples Reiki  - Couples Reiki is a very powerful, holistic, loving, approach to acknowledge your healing together as a couple, yet also to acknowledge each person as an individual.   Reiki is offered to each person individually while they bind their energy together by holding hands.  When done this way,  the energy flows from one to the other creating an infinity of loving, healing energy between the two of them.   In relationships, we step into the door with all of our past hurts, preconceived notions, assumptions,  limiting beliefs, habits, and love languages. Many couples get into a patterning habit or a way of communicating, based on protection or fear that they aren’t even aware of. Experiencing couples Reiki (or Reiki in general) allows us to work on your specific intention for the relationship,( i.e: clearer communication, more sensuality, harmony, connection), but also looks at the individual energetic body to start to clear, and transmute some of those limiting beliefs, pain, protective barriers, to get to the true heart and soul of love.  By having the couple lay side by side together, this allows me to clear the energetic body  between the two while each person gets individual attention.  The couples get back to their own energy  that they bring to the relationship, raising their vibration, clearing the mind of the stories, cutting residual from past experiences and giving a blank, clean, connected canvas to go back to. 

Sessions can be custom built based on your needs and intention and be centered around such things as grief, trust, communication, pregnancy, greater intimacy, conception, ease pregnancy fears etc.  

Session includes:  Reiki healing, chakra balancing, sound healing, soul gazing and bonding exercises, aromatherapy geared around your intention, healing crystals, foot massage with essential oils, spiritually guided messages around your relationship, all in a private healing room.  

Offering: $280/per couple.  For a $50 upcharge, we can add a snack of finger foods such as a Charcutrie platter to add to a delightful experience.  We also offer discounted follow-up sessions to further your healing as a couple.




Private Reiki Circle Party Get together with your friends and family and host your own Reiki circle in the comforts of your own home.  Private Reiki circles include  a theme or intent for the group, guided meditation, one-on-one Reiki for each attendees on a massage table,  sound healing and we conclude the circle with sharing and angel cards.  This party runs approximately 2 hours and you get lots of personal attention, which is sometimes missing for traditional Reiki circles.  This is a very affordable, fun option for you and your friends.  Why not have a girl's night of beautiful, goddess spiritual connection.  Hosts can make the party anything they wish including a breakfast, brunch, dinner, or just tapas for their attendees. Contact me today and let's get creative and harness our inner divinity.  Minimum 4 people, Limited to 6 attendees including the host.  Offering: $20 per person and includes a hostess gift. 

Go to my reference page and see what others are saying about their parties. :)

(***Gratuity is not included in the price but much appreciated.)

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Usui Reiki Level 1 Certification

8 hours: $275.00

If you are feeling the nudge to awaken your own healing abilities and to help others to heal on deep levels, then this class is for you.  Linda Geer, Reiki Master Teacher will show you all you need to know to discover the hidden ability within to attune you to Reiki Healing Energy.   Unlike other healing arts, Reiki is passed from master to student through a Reiki attunement that allows the student to connect to the universal Reiki source. The attunement allows you to become a vessel of Reiki, and move Reiki energy for yourself and others. While you can read about Reiki in a book and learn hand positions, until you have been attuned to channel Reiki, you cannot truly practice Reiki.

Reiki is a form of hands-on-healing used to cleanse, balance and heal while invigorating the mind, body and soul. Reiki is based on the idea that an energy life force flows within each of us and when stress happens in our life, it tends to create blockages in our vital life force energy which lowers our vibration and makes it a perfect environment for dis-ease in the body to set in.  What Reiki does is to  break apart those blockages energetically and fill it with vital life force energy so that the energy or "ki" in the body flows completely.  When this happens, the body can then heal itself.  We will learn how to be that channel to hold space for ourselves and others so that the right environment can be in place for healing to happen.

This class explores and breaks down the fundamentals, principles and practices of Reiki Self-Healing in a safe, unique, and practical environment. Before one can fully commit to healing others, they must take the responsibility to heal themselves. This hands-on class empowers all participants with the opportunity to discover their own natural healing abilities, while learning and experiencing the unlimited benefits of Reiki.


Usui Reiki Level I Class includes:
~History of Usui Reiki
~Reiki Principals
~The 7 Major Chakras

~ The levels of the Aura
~Hand Placements for Self-Healing and Basics for Healing Others
~Reiki level 1 Attunements
~Practice Hands on giving and receiving Reiki and what a session would look like
~Ethics/practicing Discussion
~A Certificate of Completion
~Complete Reiki 1 Manual, plus much, much more.

*** Currently, all classes are done 1:1 with a Reiki Master to ensure your personal guidance in the learning process.  This is also done as most students are empaths and prefer to learn in person, in a quieter manner.

 You may contact me by sending an email to: to start the registration process.

Class Fee:  $275

*Payment in full is needed to secure registration. All payments can be made via Zelle or Venmo: @Linda-Geer-3 

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Usui Reiki Level 2 Certification

7 hours: $275.00

Would you like to deepen your practice and learn Reiki Level II? Join Reiki Master Teacher, Linda Geer, as she teaches you Level II to take you to an all new higher vibration. You will learn the traditional teaching of Usui Reiki, the sacred symbols and how to use them, to perform Distance Reiki, Intro to the art of crystals, essential oils and pendulums as tools, holding Reiki circles, Attunement to the sacred symbols, lots of hands on practice time of giving and receiving sessions and much more. You will belong to a private FB group and have access to Linda,  to ask questions, share any thing that you wish or get clarification on going forward. This will also allow you to be apart of further practice, shares and refresher sessions.  This is a certifications class that you can use immediately to continue help yourself on your healing journey and to offer Reiki healing energy to others. Take your practice to the next level of love and healing. 

This class is taught in a small group which aids in it being more intimate, and more 1:1 time in a nurturing way that makes all students feel at ease.  I spend time helping students to come into their own personal power, while maintaining the integrity and traditional teachings of Usui Reiki. 

Usui Reiki Level II Class includes:

~Check in with any questions you have from Level I
~Learning the 3 Sacred Reiki Symbols
~The 3 Pillars of Reiki
~How to Perform Distance Reiki
~Additional tools and aids including Angels, Spirit Guides, Crystals, Essential Oils, and how to use a pendulum to check the chakras, strengthening your intuition, oracle cards, etc.

~Reiki level II Attunement
~Hands on giving and receiving a full Reiki session
~~How to Conduct Reiki Circles
~A Certificate of Completion
~Complete Reiki II Manual, plus much, much more.

*** Currently, all classes are done 1:1 with a Reiki Master to ensure your personal guidance in the learning process.  This is also done as most students are empaths and prefer to learn in person, in a quieter manner.

You may contact me by sending an email to: to start the registration process.

Course Fee: $275

*Payment in full is needed to secure registration. All payments can be made via Zelle or Venmo: @Linda-Geer-3

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Angels for Animals

30-60 mins minutes: 88.00/animal

Animal Reiki is a spiritual practice of compassion.  Reiki is a beautiful gift of healing that you can give to them.  Like with Reiki for humans, it helps us to heal on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level, by tapping into the animals chakra system and vital life force energy to re-energize and balance the whole being.  Offering Reiki to animals is simply a meditation with your animal, in which the space of love, compassion and healing is offered to them. Physical hands on energy work will only be done if the animals lets me know that is what they want.  The animal is always in charge of whether they would like healing to take place, where the healing is needed, and the length of treatment. This is done so as to give the animal a voice, a choice and out of respect.   They will tell me when they are finished by moving away and becoming active again after a restful state. Linda follows the  Let Animals Lead™ protocol founded by Kathleen Prasad. Animal Reiki is beneficial for everything from behavioral issues, illness, disease, anxiety and end of life transition. Animals sometimes like it when you have something soft for them to lay on, their favorite blanket or bed available close by. Please see the tab entitled, "Animal Reiki" for more details and benefits.

In person sessions are conducted at the animal's home for their maximum comfort. (Extra drive fee will be added if outside of a Broward County.)  Offering:  $88

Distance sessions can be conducted from anywhere in the world including in spirit world, and are extremely effective.  Offering:  $77


***(Gratuity is not included in the price but much appreciated.)


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